Today, I started my spiritual Journey. While looking at a book on Yantras, I come to know that the letters of Hindi language have a form and structure. So I decided to gain control of each letter. For this I chose to recite the letter. The first consonant of the Hindi Language is अ . I decided to get command on this consonant. I am giving here the description of the letter अ . These are used to understand the mantras. अ - वृत्तासन , हस्ती वाहन , स्वर्ण के समान वर्ण , कुंकुमगंध , लवण का स्वाद , जम्बू द्वीप में विस्तीर्ण , चार मुख वाला , अष्ट भुजा वाला , काली आंख वाला , जटा , मुकुटयुक्त , सिर (श्वेत ) वर्ण मोनियों के आभरण वाला , अत्यंत बलवान , गंभीर , पुल्लिंग , ऐसा 'अ ' कार का लक्षण है। I started my journey in the night. What were the visuals which came before me while reciting the consonant. The first visual which came was of a sage meditating on a mountain. After that the visuals were very haphazard. The visuals were intermingled with each other. There was not a clear...